1. I will pay Rs.1000/- as non- refundable registration fee which is valid for one year.
2. I will collect my salary/tuition fee within (minimum 7 to 10 days) after completion of the month through “WFHT” via online transferred mode only.
3. I will not join any other institution/organization/company for the same, once I join “WFHT”. If I do so I will be charged Rs.1000/- and will not be paid for the same month salary/ tuition fee (if I am taking class provided by the “WFHT”) and will be discharged from the service.
4. I will always carry my Aadhaar card, during the class and show it to parent/student whenever required.
5. I will fulfill the attendance sheet for proof of my regularity. If I don’t do so “WFHT” will not be held responsible for any kind of dispute and I would be paid salary/tuition fee according to the parent’s statement.
6. I will conduct a weekly test of the student and give the feedback to the parent/student and the “WFHT”.I will not ask any kind of tuition fee in advance (either from parents or “WFHT”).
7. I will inform to “WFHT” in case of taking leaves in some Emergency cases more than 3days.
8. I will strictly follow not to discuss anything/problems/difficulties with the parent/ student apart from the study/performance of the student.
9. I will not manage the class on an hourly basis but class-wise and I will not miss/quit even a single class. In case it happens so, I will manage the class any other day/s and will accept the timing schedule given by the parent/student happily for the same.
10. I will not teach any new tuition directly referred by the parent/student. If I do so I would be charged 50% of the decided tuition fee and discharge from the service. If I get such a tuition/class, I will refer to the “WFHT” nearest branch or head office. (“WFHT” reserve all the rights to get such tuition/class).
11. I will not misbehave with the parent/student and the employee of the “WFHT”.
12. I will submit/Upload my educational qualifications certificates, Aadhar Card, PAN Card, photograph and required documents.
13. I will follow all the terms and condition instructed by “WFHT” occasionally, If I don’t follow any of the above condition, I would be charged Rs 1000/- and discharge from the service.
14. Tutor must be on time for every classes allotted by the company.
15. Tutor must maintain privacy and dignity of the company. If found to avoid any rules and regulations, Wishfly Home Tutors Pvt. Ltd. has the right to terminate his/her tutorship without prior information.
16. Tutors are not allowed to receive/accept any kind of gifts/valuable items from the parents.
17. Tutors can not deny for the allotted tuition after confirming the same.
18. I will not approach any parents to take direct tuition, if I found to do so company will take 10,000 as penalty and if I am continuing any other tuitions I will not be paid any amount by the company for that tuitions and discharge from the service.
19. I will inform 15days before leaving any alloted tuition/class. If i do not inform, i will not be paid any amount for the same month/tuition.
20. I will not take tuition/class directly influenced by any means which has/ had been alloted by the company. If I found to do so, company reserve all the rights to take legal actions againts me and may charge as penalty up to Rs.50000/-.
21. I will not leave any tuition/class in the middle of the month, before and during the examination. If I do so, I will not be paid fee even for a single class.
22. Wishfly Home Tutors Pvt. Ltd. reserves all rights to change all or any of these mentioned terms and conditions with or without giving any prior notice.
23. All disputes are subject to Raipur Jurisdiction only.
24. The above mentioned terms and conditions are quite acceptable to me. I would like to accept with full consent.